Polycop de TD à télécharger
Biologie en Marche TD Pr JFantini.pdf
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Polycop de TD à télécharger
L3 PG 2024-2025
UE Diabètes TD Pr J Fantini.pdf
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Thematic review on the formation of lipid rafts
Pour en savoir plus sur les radeaux lipidiques (lipid rafts), cet article est la référence n°8 citée ici :
UE Biologie en Marche TD1 Pr JFantini.pd
Document Adobe Acrobat 2.7 MB

            Lipid raft - Wikipedia

          Lipid Rafts - YouTube


Article describing the neutralization of amyloid pores by the chimeric Alzheimer/Parkinson peptide (now called AmyP53)
BBADIS 2016.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 1.4 MB
Why rats don't get Alzheimer's disease
No pore, no disease... This artice is a companion article of BBADIS 2016.
Rat vs Human Abeta peptide.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 661.6 KB
Brain lipids in synaptic function and neurological disease (Flyer)
Flyer Brain Lipids textbook.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 303.3 KB
Lipid rafts and artificial intelligence (by Ron Wallace, University of Central Florida)
For young scientists who would like to go several steps beyond current scientific knowlege...
r wallace 2010.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 307.9 KB
The OH-Pi bond between ganglioside GM3 and alpha-synuclein
From: Fantini J, Yahi N.
The driving force of alpha-synuclein insertion and amyloid channel formation in the plasma membrane of neural cells: key role of ganglioside- and cholesterol-binding domains.
Adv Exp Med Biol. 2013;991:15-26
OH_Pi calculations.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 87.0 KB
Discovery of the mirror code of cholesterol
A collaborative study between Jacques Fantini and Coralie Di Scala (Marseille, France), Luke S. Evans and Philip T.F. Williamson (Southampton, UK) Francisco J. Barrantes (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Mirror code.jpg
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