

Before starting their Ph.D thesis, several  students (graduate and master levels) have spent several weeks or months in our laboratory, generally on  a voluntary internship basis. Some of them, who have significantly contributed to our research programs, actually deserved to be co-author of our publications.  We are always happy to know that the solid biochemistry background they learned with us has been helpful for their career, and we are particulary proud of that. Over the last years, Coralie Di Scala, Henri Chahinian and Nouara Yahi have been especially involved in this pre-doctoral internship program that has become year after year critically acclaimed by Aix-Marseille University students. 




Current position: Post-doctoral fellowship, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA


How cholesterol constrains glycolipid conformation for optimal recognition of Alzheimer's beta amyloid peptide (Abeta1-40).

Yahi N, Aulas AFantini J.

PLoS One. 2010 Feb 5;5(2):e9079.



Current position: Medical student, Marseille, France


Broad neutralization of calcium-permeable amyloid pore channels with a chimeric Alzheimer/Parkinson peptide targeting brain gangliosides.

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Flores A, Boutemeur S, Kourdougli N, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016 Feb;1862(2):213-22.

Comparison of the amyloid pore forming properties of rat and human Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide 1-42: Calcium imaging data.

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Flores A, Boutemeur S, Kourdougli N, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

Data Brief. 2016 Jan 16;6:640-3.

Common molecular mechanism of amyloid pore formation by Alzheimer's β-amyloid peptide and α-synuclein.

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Boutemeur S, Flores A, Rodriguez L, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 29;6:28781. 



Current position: Post-doctoral fellowship at the Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, Marseille, France

(Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Horizon 2020 program).


Controlled aggregation of adenine by sugars: physicochemical studies, molecular modelling simulations of sugar-aromatic CH-pi stacking interactions, and biological significance.

Maresca M, Derghal A, Caravagna C, Dudin S, Fantini J.

Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2008 May 21;10(19):2792-800



Current position: Research & Development Engineer, Sophia Antipolis, France

The fusogenic tilted peptide (67-78) of α-synuclein is a cholesterol binding domain.

Fantini J, Carlus D, Yahi N.

Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Oct;1808(10):2343-51.


Alessandra FLORES

Current position: Ph.D. student at the UNIS laboratory (supervisor Dr. O. El Far), Marseille, France


Broad neutralization of calcium-permeable amyloid pore channels with a chimeric Alzheimer/Parkinson peptide targeting brain gangliosides.

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Flores A, Boutemeur S, Kourdougli N, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016 Feb;1862(2):213-22.

Comparison of the amyloid pore forming properties of rat and human Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide 1-42: Calcium imaging data. 

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Flores A, Boutemeur S, Kourdougli N, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

Data Brief. 2016 Jan 16;6:640-3.

Common molecular mechanism of amyloid pore formation by Alzheimer's β-amyloid peptide and α-synuclein.

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Boutemeur S, Flores A, Rodriguez L, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 29;6:28781. 



Current position: Teacher of Biology/Physics/Chemistry at the Cours Fénélon, Toulon, France


Biochemical identification of a linear cholesterol-binding domain within Alzheimer's β amyloid peptide.

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Lelièvre C, Garmy N, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

ACS Chem Neurosci. 2013 Mar 20;4(3):509-17.

Mechanism of cholesterol-assisted oligomeric channel formation by a short Alzheimer β-amyloid peptide.

Di Scala C, Troadec JD, Lelièvre C, Garmy N, Fantini J, Chahinian H.

J Neurochem. 2014 Jan;128(1):186-95.



Currently applying for a research assistant position at Sydney University, Australia.


Ceramide binding to anandamide increases its half-life and potentiates its cytotoxicity in human neuroblastoma cells.

Di Scala C, Mazzarino M, Yahi N, Varini K, Garmy N, Fantini J, Chahinian H.

Chem Phys Lipids. 2017 Jun;205:11-17.

Anandamide-ceramide interactions in a membrane environment: Molecular dynamic simulations data.

Di Scala C, Mazzarino M, Yahi N, Varini K, Garmy N, Fantini J, Chahinian H.

Data Brief. 2017 Jul 14;14:163-167.



Current position: Ph.D. student at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada

Common molecular mechanism of amyloid pore formation by Alzheimer's β-amyloid peptide and α-synuclein.

Di Scala C, Yahi N, Boutemeur S, Flores A, Rodriguez L, Chahinian H, Fantini J.

Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 29;6:28781. 



Current position: Ph.D. student at the NICN laboratory (supervisor Pr. F. Roman), Marseille, France

Bexarotene blocks calcium-permeable ion channels formed by neurotoxic Alzheimer's β-amyloid peptides. 

Fantini J, Di Scala C, Yahi N, Troadec JD, Sadelli K, Chahinian H, Garmy N.

ACS Chem Neurosci. 2014 Mar 19;5(3):216-24.



Current position: Research fellowship at the Vect-Horus biotech, Marseille, France


Ceramide binding to anandamide increases its half-life and potentiates its cytotoxicity in human neuroblastoma cells.

Di Scala C, Mazzarino M, Yahi N, Varini K, Garmy N, Fantini J, Chahinian H.

Chem Phys Lipids. 2017 Jun;205:11-17.

Anandamide-ceramide interactions in a membrane environment: Molecular dynamic simulations data.

Di Scala C, Mazzarino M, Yahi N, Varini K, Garmy N, Fantini J, Chahinian H.

Data Brief. 2017 Jul 14;14:163-167.